Outdoor Gear Chat
Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment.Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.
Outdoor Gear Chat
Episode 44: Helmets - Keep A Lid On It
This week Cathy and Wayne talk about head protection with Petzl sponsored athletes and climbing giants: Emma Powell and Neil Gresham.
Whether you are trad, sport, winter climbing or dry tooling we delve into why you might choose to wear a helmet when you climb, different construction types, testing, safety, how to check your helmet, how to tell when your helmet should be retired and why recycling them is so difficult. Packed full of technical geekery, anecdotes and possibly a little too much information from Cathy, this an essential listen for climbers everywhere.
Listen ,learn, laugh and if you are able, please consider donating to our chosen charity: Young Minds Matter Appeal | Brathay Trust
For full information how how to check your helmet: Climbing Knowledge — The Joe Brown Outdoor Academy
To see our full range of climbing helmets: Climbing Helmets Climbing Equipment | The Climbers Shop and Joe Brown Shops (climbers-shop.com)
Visit Neil Gresham's website: neilgresham.com
Visit Emma Powell's You Tube Channel: Emma Powell Climbing - YouTube
For a wealth of technical climbing information: Tech tips by activity - Petzl United Kingdom
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