
Outdoor Gear Chat
Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment.Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.
Outdoor Gear Chat
Episode 37: Ropes - All Tied Up
Are you baffled by the number of different ropes available? Cathy and Wayne talk with Edelrid UK Representative Alex Smurthwaite and discover how not all ropes are equal......
Learn the difference between single/half/twin and triple ropes, why there are so many diameters, how a dry treatment keeps out more than just water, why colour is important, how to wash your rope, what the Bluesign logo means and why a "glorified angle grinder" is part of the Edelrid testing process!
Listen ,learn, laugh and if you are able, please consider donating to our chosen charity: Wayne Singleton is swimming the coastline of Cumbria for Brathay Trust
Click here to see our range of Edelrid climbing ropes and equipment:
Search results for 'edelrid' (climbers-shop.com)
Purchase a Beal Rope Brush here:
Beal Rope Brush (climbers-shop.com)
To learn more about climbing equipment click here:
Climbing Knowledge — The Joe Brown Outdoor Academy
Edelrid Cut Resistance of Rope Test:
EDELRID Knowledge Base - Cut Resistance of ropes - Part 1 - YouTube