Outdoor Gear Chat
Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment.Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.
Outdoor Gear Chat
Episode 59: KMF 2024 Podlet - La Sportiva Athlete Billy Ridal
Part 9 of our Kendal Mountain Festival 2024 Season.
Recorded live out and about at the festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Billy Ridal, La Sportiva Sponsored Athelete.
Listen in awe as Billy describes how he retired from indoor competition climbing and took a trip out to Yosemite with his friend and climbing partner Alex Waterhouse to become the first Brits to make a free ascent of the world famous Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite. The route was first climbed by Lynn Hill in 1993 and has subsequently only received eight ascents in 30 years.
Listen ,learn and if you are able, please consider donating to our chosen charity: Community Action Nepal
Kendal Mountain Festival | Share the Adventure
The Climbers Shop and Joe Brown Shops | Outdoor Clothing & Equipment UK
The Joe Brown Outdoor Academy
Film Trailer - Nose Job
If you found this interesting then don't forget to download:
Episode 7: Trad Climbing Gear - Nice-Rack
Episode 9: Rock Boots - Trust The Rubber
Episode 20: Carabiners - I Need A Screw