Outdoor Gear Chat
Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment.Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.
Outdoor Gear Chat
Episode 36: Kit Lists - Trekking In Nepal
If trekking in Nepal is on your bucket list then join Cathy and Wayne as they chat with Denise Prior at Community Action Treks. She has 20 years experience and along with Nicola Terry from parent charity Community Action Nepal, explains not just the importance of packing the right kit but also how to travel and trek while having a positive impact on the country you are travelling in.
Both Community Action Nepal and Community action Treks were originally set up by mountaineer Doug Scott - who summited Everest in 1975 alongside Dougal Haston making them the first Brits to do so.
You can find out more about the Treks offered by CAT here:
Community Action Trekking (catreks.com)
You can donate to Community Action Nepal here:
About Us | Community Action Nepal (canepal.org.uk)
Everything you need to trekking anywhere; from water purification to boots to sun-cream to down jackets is available here:
The Climbers Shop and Joe Brown Shops | Outdoor Clothing & Equipment UK (climbers-shop.com)
Discover a TON of free equipment and clothing advice here:
The Joe Brown Outdoor Academy