
Outdoor Gear Chat
Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment.Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.
Outdoor Gear Chat
Episode 32: Spares and Repairs - A Stitch In Time with Snowdonia Gear Repairs
Cathy and Wayne are joined by engineer, sewer and outdoor equipment and clothing repair specialist; Rosanna Watson from Snowdonia Gear Repairs to delve into how to make your gear last longer.
Learn about tapes, sealants, zips, seams and all the little replacement gizmo's available to make your own repairs as well as the wealth of fixes that can be done to clothing, sleeping bags, rucsacks and tents so they can be used and kept out of landfill for as long as possible. Packed full of tips, Rosanna also explains how she can customise garments for MRT's, how to spot if a garment is easily repairable and how to get the best value for money (spoiler - this may not necessarily mean buying the cheapest).
Listen ,learn, laugh and if you are able, please consider donating to our chosen charity: Wayne Singleton is swimming the coastline of Cumbria for Brathay Trust
Our shops have a large range of repair tapes, sealants, buckles, tapes and cords permanently in stock. They're dead easy to find in the shops and we're working on improving their visibility online:
Clothing/Tent and Rucsack Spares and repairs: Repair Products Camping | The Climbers Shop And Joe Brown S (climbers-shop.com)
Cordlocks: Lowe Alpine Cord Lock - Assorted Coloured (climbers-shop.com)
Cord: Ropes Cords Climbing Equipment | The Climbers Shop And Joe (climbers-shop.com)
Footwear Spares: Proofings, Aftercare & Repair | The Climbers Shop (climbers-shop.com)
To find our how to send your item back to Snowdonia Gear Repair please click here: Snowdonia Gear Repair
Our key brands all have their own repair/servicing and advice portals here:
Rab Service Centre - Rab® UK
Returns | Mountain Equipment (mountain-equipment.co.uk)
Care of Your Product – Mountain Equipment (mountain-equipment.co.uk)
Montane Repair Service | Extend the lifetime of your product. – Montane - UK
Climbing / Walking Boot Repairs & Resoles (UK) - SCARPA UK
La Sportiva - Official Website
Other outdoor specialist repair companies in the UK:
Outdoor Gear Repairs - LSR (lancashiresportsrepairs.co.uk)
Scottish Mountain Gear
home | Llanberis Resoles | approved Scarpa and La Sportiva resoler.