Outdoor Gear Chat
Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment.Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.
Outdoor Gear Chat
Episode 13: Joe Browns and The Climbers Shop - The Big History
Wayne quizzes Cathy on the amazing history surrounding the two shops and learns how they were interlinked from the very start - way before Cathy and her husband Paul became the owners of both. Listen to stories of climbing and fell running royalty, why the shops are pivotal in their local outdoor communities and how Cathy explained to the climbing legend; Mr Joe Brown her ideas for a unique competition involving his nether regions!
You can read the full Big History here: The Big History — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)
Why not take part in our permanent challenges:
Ali's Round — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)
Ali's Family Round — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)
Cumbrian Centurion Challenge 100 — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)
Read the list of climbs involved in the Anniversary celebrations:
50th Anniversary: The Hunt For Joe's Golden Nuts — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)
60th Anniversary “Nuts of Legends” — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)
Sign up for the Ambleside 25/50k:
Brathay Challenges | Ambleside 25K
Brathay Challenges | Ambleside 50K
Read more about Joe Brown - arguably one of the worlds best all round climbers:
About Joe Brown — The Joe Brown Outdoor Academy
Joe Brown Biography and first ascent list — The Climbers Shop / Joe Brown Blog (theclimbersshopjoebrownblog.co.uk)